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Programme, Saturday 4 October 2008:

10:00 Coffee

10:30 Mary Leng (Liverpool), Creation and discovery in mathematics

11:30 George Joseph (Manchester), History of Non-Western Mathematics: New Perspectives

12:30-13:00 Lunch, to be served on premises

13:00 Marcus Giaquinto (UCL), Curves in Proofs

14:00 Angus Macintyre (QMUL), The Impact of Incompleteness on Pure Mathematics

15:00 David Corfield (Kent), The Reality of Mathematics

16:00 Panel discussion, with some wine being served.

17:00 End

Night before, Friday 3 October: for those participants, who come on Friday to stay overnight, or who are local, we suggest an informal get-together at 19:00 at Lass O’Gowrie with the aim of having dinner at 20:00 at East Z East Ibis Hotel on Princess street. Since an advanced booking for East Z East is needed, please notify Alexandre Borovik in advance that you are coming for dinner.
Last modified: January 11, 2012 12:30:08 PM GMT.

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